UA Ruhr News Center
16. 01. 2025
Visit from Kazakh Universities and New Joint Master’s Program

Kazakh Delegation at the UA Ruhr
The twelve-member Kazakh delegation was welcomed at Ruhr University Bochum by representatives of various institutions. They then continued their visit to the other two locations of the University Alliance Ruhr.

Kazakh Delegation at the UA Ruhr
On the occasion of the 60th birthday of the Ruhr University Bochum in 2025, Saule Rakhmetullina, Rector of the East Kazakhstan Technical University, presented a metal plaque to Martin Paul, Rector of Ruhr University Bochum.

Visit to TU Dortmund University
The delegation was invited to the Chair of Materials Technology at the TU Dortmund University.

Visit to the University of Duisburg-Essen
The delegation visited the Centre for Water and Environmental Research (ZWU) at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
OEZA Expands Strategic Partnerships with Kazakhstan
The Liaison Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the University Alliance Ruhr organized the visit of a twelve-member delegation from two Kazakh universities to RUB on January 8, 2025. During this visit, Rector Prof. Dr. Martin Paul and Prof. Dr. Saule Rakhmetullina, Rector of the East Kazakhstan Technical University (EKTU), signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The agreement outlines close collaboration in geosciences, including the exchange of researchers, students, and expertise, as well as the development of a joint master’s program.
A long-term partnership was also established with the German-Kazakh University (DKU), represented by its Rector Prof. Dr. Wolrad Rommel, among others. This partnership includes support for a platform for early-career researchers based on the model of the RUB Research School.
“Central Asia holds significant strategic importance for Germany, particularly in the fields of energy, raw materials, and environmental issues,” emphasized Martin Paul. “Ruhr University Bochum can contribute to addressing these priorities through its scientific expertise.” Central Asia is also a strategic focus for RUB, as demonstrated by the Liaison Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the University Alliance Ruhr. The collaborations with DKU and EKTU could serve as a model for future partnerships with other Central Asian institutions.